Döda i kravaller
i Grekland idag
TV: Här startar upploppet i Aten
Banker i brand – kravallpolis skjuter tårgas
Tre personer dödades i Aten idag i protester mot de kraftiga besparingar som grekerna tvingas till efter att politiker slarvat med landets finanser. Banker står i brand i den grekiska huvudstaden idag. De omkomna fanns inne i en bankbyggnad som satts i brand av förbannade demonstranter, skriver New York Times.
At one point, Reuters reported, protesters set fire to a building and a witness saw firemen evacuate at least four people. “There are probably people trapped in the building,” fire officials said in a statement before the news emerged that people trapped in the building had died. The police blamed what were called “hooded youths” for setting fire to the building.
- Alla nyheter om krisen och våldet i Grekland (Google News)