USA bytte misstänkta spioner med Ryssland
”He was older, but he clearly loves surrounding himself with beautiful women, mostly Russian, and since the spring Anna was in his inner circle,” said a fellow Russian party girl.
”I need more information about you before I can talk,” said Chapman.
”OK. My name is Roman,” the agent replied. ”I work in the consulate.”
The undercover agent said he knew she was headed to Moscow in two weeks ”to talk officially about your work,” but before that, ”I have a task for you to do tomorrow.”
The task: To deliver a fraudulent passport to another woman working as a spy.
”Are you ready for this step?” he asked.
”Of course,” she responded.
“Towards the end of our marriage she became very secretive, going for meetings on her own with ’Russian friends’, and I guess it might have been because she was in contact with the Russian government.”
Indeed, if there were political motivations behind the timing of the arrests, they remain a mystery.
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